首頁新聞動(dòng)態(tài)工作動(dòng)態(tài) - 詳情


瀏覽 2023-06-21



本次紀(jì)念活動(dòng)回顧了《1998年協(xié)定書》自建立起發(fā)揮的重要作用,聯(lián)合國道路安全特使Jean Todt、UNECE執(zhí)行秘書Olga Algayerova、可持續(xù)運(yùn)輸司司長李玉偉發(fā)表講話,《1998年協(xié)定書》主要締約方、前主席及行業(yè)和非政府組織代表發(fā)表感言。工業(yè)和信息化部裝備工業(yè)一司表示,中國高度認(rèn)同WP.29平臺(tái)的協(xié)作精神及《1998年協(xié)定書》發(fā)揮的關(guān)鍵作用,感謝其在推動(dòng)全球汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)技術(shù)創(chuàng)新、提高車輛安全、能源效率和環(huán)境效益、減少國際技術(shù)貿(mào)易壁壘等方面作出的重要貢獻(xiàn),中國將一如既往積極支持和深度參與相關(guān)工作,共同推動(dòng)全球汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)健康可持續(xù)發(fā)展。




Activities celebrating the 25th anniversary of establishment of the UN 1998 Agreement were held in Geneva, Switzerland

 On 20 June 2023, activities celebrating the 25th anniversary of establishment of the UN 1998 Agreement were held in Geneva, Switzerland. 120 representatives from the member states of UNECE, Contracting Parties to WP.29 agreement, and NGOs attended the event. Relevant official from the First Department of Equipment Industry, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT) of the P.R.C. was present, and 6 representatives from China Automotive Standardization Research Institute of China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CASRI) and China Automobile Standards Internationalization Center (Geneva) participated in the event.

The event reviewed the important role of the 1998 Agreement since its establishment. Jean Todt, the UN Special Envoy for Road Safety, Olga Algayerova, the Executive Secretary of UNECE, and Li Yuwei, the Director of Sustainable Transport Division of UNECE made the speech. Major Contracting Parties to the 1998 Agreement, the former chairs and representatives from the industries and NGOs made addresses on the event as well. The First Department of Equipment Industry of MIIT noted that China recognizes the collaborative spirit of WP.29 and the role which the 1998 Agreement has played and extended thanks to important contribution which the Agreement has made on market introduction of innovative technologies, improvement of global vehicle safety, energy efficiency and environmental performance as well as reduction of technical barriers to international trade and China would  continue to actively support and deeply participate in the work to jointly promote the healthy and sustainable development of the global automotive industry.

WP.29 is a permanent working group under the framework of the UN, which is the only global vehicle regulation harmonization platform in the world. China has participated in the WP.29 activities since 1996, and officially participated in the harmonization of world vehicle regulations under the WP.29 framework as a Contracting Party since 2000. In recent years, China serving as the Vice Chair of WP.29/GRVA and the Vice Chairs and co-chairs of five informal working groups including EVS has made substantial contributions to the work planning and the formulation and revision of international regulations. Entrusted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the P.R.C., CASRI serves as the secretariat of C-WP.29 and in the future will continue to provide support and services for the government and the industry to participate in WP.29 activities, improve the internationalization level of China automotive standards, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the global automotive industry.



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